Frequently asked questions(FAQ)

Here we have collected answers to the most frequently asked questions about our services and the process of studying abroad. If you have any other questions, do not hesitate to contact us.

CCG is a company that specializes in helping young people get tourist and student visas, as well as providing support when studying abroad. We help students achieve their dreams of education outside of their home country.

Callan Sub Recruiters and Promoters is a company that specializes in helping young people get tourist and student visas, as well as providing support when studying abroad. We help students achieve their dreams of education outside of their home country.

We provide a wide range of services, including university admission support, airport pick-up arrangements, visa and immigration assistance, and support for students and their families while studying abroad. We make your journey to knowledge and new opportunities as comfortable and carefree as possible.

We work with many universities in England and Canada, including the University of South London, the University of Greenwich and the University of Toronto, and have successful partnerships with the ICEF, Edvoy and Applyboard , Oxford International English Schools platforms.

Our services are aimed at students looking to study abroad, their parents, and young people looking for immigration opportunities. We help students, young professionals, and their families achieve their educational and career goals outside of their home country.

Our team of experts will be with you at every stage of the admission process, starting with choosing a university and preparing documents, and ending with assistance in obtaining a visa and organizing accommodation. We will ensure your successful path to study abroad.

We help you apply for various types of visas, including student visas, tourist visas, grants, and immigration visas. Our goal is to make the entire process as simple and efficient as possible for our clients.

The cost of our services depends on the specific needs of the client and the amount of services they need. We provide individual consultations and develop the best solution for each client.

You can contact us using the following contact details: